What is CCD?
Clinical Case Discussion (CCD) is a peer-taught program (through MeCuM-International) supported by motivated students and experienced physicians. CCD gives LMU students in clinical semesters the chance to practice applying their scientific and medical knowledge to real-life clinical cases from the New England Journal of Medicine.
In groups of ~15 people, a case will be presented in a standardized "American format" by the moderator -- a member of the CCD team -- who guides the discussion through each case component by encouraging the group to put their clinical reasoning skills and problem-solving abilities into practice. The moderator is supported by a presenter who is responsible for choosing a case and creating a presentation. Each CCD session is joined by a clinician, who further guides the discussion and offers their clinical expertise. Having a clinician at our sessions allows students to see how medicine is actually done on a day-to-day basis in the clinic.
While CCD offers the opportunity to practice implementing steps of real-life clinical decision-making, it also serves as advanced preparation for an international elective. And as a bonus: we try to create a fun and relaxed environment to practice what you learn in medical school and it's a wonderful place to meet new people, both students and clinicians alike.
Check out the "Join us!" section for more info!